Take Back Control of Your Home with Dewey Pest Control Services

Dewey Pest Control isn’t just for emergency situations. A combination of maintenance from professionals as well as a few at-home tasks you can perform easily, you can prevent a full out infestation saving your home from extreme damages. To keep your home safe and clear of rodents and insects, be sure to take any precautions necessary.

There are so many different kinds of pests that can plague your home. Termites, cockroaches, ants, mice, and rats – it can be devastating and, let’s be honest, probably creep you out too! Whether you have a specific problem with a certain kind of pest or you’re looking to protect your home from all of them, you’ll have to find the right kind of Dewey Pest Control company to work with as well as taking a few steps of precaution on your own.

Dewey Pest Control

The biggest problem with insect pests such as termites and certain kinds of ants is that they can destroy the integrity of the structure of your home. They literally eat away at the wooden supports in your home, leaving dangerous damage that could cause severe accidents for you and your family. Ants can also be persuaded in by unsealed foods in your home. Sometimes the infestation happens slowly over time, but if you lose a large tree in a storm outside your home that housed a large colony of ants, their next home could be your home!

Mice and rats are other common pests, often taking up residence in your home in colder months or in search of food. The real danger of mice and rats is that they can carry diseases and their droppings are health hazards. Not to mention they give you quite a scare as they scurry across your kitchen! Your house cat may not be up for the challenge to handle this kind of Dewey Pest Control either.

In emergency situations, a Dewey Pest Control professional will know how to handle the pests that have taken up residence in your home. You can work with them and understand the chemicals that they are using and prepare your home if anything is hazardous to your family or pets’ health. There is new greener technology that is not as harsh and environmentally harmful they can use that is still as effective as the leading chemical brands. If the problem is really severe, you may have to leave your home for a few days and then come back and assess the costly damages.

To prevent against pest infestations, you can take small steps of precaution like keeping your home clean and your food products, even dry goods stored safely and sealed tightly. You can also set traps for the occasional mouse, rat, or cockroach. But when things get past your ability to take care of it yourself, a Dewey Pest Control professional can also take precautionary measures and perform monthly maintenance. Dewey Pest Control is just that, it’s not just pest removal, it’s coming up with a plan to control the security level in your home from outside pests. You can work with a company to come out and perform yearly, quarterly or monthly service to your home depending on how susceptible your house is to pests. This makes it a lot easier in the long run because you’re taking care of a problem before it really becomes a problem.


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